Escuela Maria Milagro is a primary & middle school based in the Chaco, in Paraguay, South America.
The school is based on a farm ( estancia in Spanish) and is open to all the children whose parents work on the farm. About 20 families have now settled on the farm and live permanently thanks to the opening of the school opened in March 2005.
In the past, men could not live with their families because there was no school in the area. The closest town from the estancia is about 80 kilometers- that's approximately 2 hours drive.​
The school opened its first classroom in 2005 with teacher señora Nancy Mariela .She teaches children from age 4 to 12 .
At the moment, there is one class of 20 students but the goal would be to open a second class and teach two different levels: children from 4-9 and from 10-12.
Escuela Maria Milagro
Estancia Palo Santo
Departamento de Boquerón